i think i gained IQ points just listening to this
yo im Canadian too bro!
i think that the waking up and falling asleep could actually relate to the male and female energies in your last video for example. When you said we got dumber and philosophical in that period a lot of famous art and architecture was made and perhaps the philosophers were just trying to understand our existence as a whole rather go with simple understanding that we have gods for the necessities and we should simply be grateful and not bite the hand that feeds us. When we wake up we re-enter our male state of mind and take what we thought up previously with all our ideas and such and those philosophers become inverters and our technological advancements explode because with greater understanding or parts we are able to focus and eliminate defects in a design and make a good invention work to its potential. However being in the male part of the cycle which you mentioned in an earlier video is that we wont be as likely to put the pieces together to see the whole and realize that we are destroying our planet with over pollution over population expending our resources ect But in my opinion though these indigo children are supposed to be male energies with their greater intelligence and the awareness of human impact there will most likely be many indigo Al Gores to come. How many elections can they cheat on in a row anyway ;D That is all my brain kinda hurts now